Future Plans

This year we are planning a mating that makes me very excited.
Charizard Shiryu de Noldor and Fagan’s Kartoffelbille

The boy was born at home, a third-generation Noldor, with a pedigree built from cats and catteries that have fascinated me, such as his father NW SC Just Catnap’s Sander, DVM, DSM, Aristo Limaz, and Khazad-Dûm. I believe this is a perfect match for all the old Danish lines from Bille, descendant from ShaggyTail’s, the beautiful Fagan’s girls, and even EC Starkad’s Ramses II, DVM, DSM.

Thank you, Miriam, for letting Shiryu have a date with Bille. Fingers crossed everything goes as planned.

Linnet González · noldor@noldor.es · +31 6 87 51 95 36